Jedi Knight Lesson 2C - Ambushed by Clone Troopers

Lesson 2C

Deflect Blaster Bolts
Deflect (Defense) (Jedi Consular pg. 057 or Jedi Guardian pg. 061)

Redirect Blaster Bolts
Deflect (Attack) (Jedi Consular pg. 058 or Jedi Guardian pg. 061)

Combat (RCR pg. 144)

Weapons Table (RCR pg. 132)

Ambushed by Clone Troopers

- You are leading a Fire-Team of Clone Troopers (RCR pg. 341 5 Low-level, 1 Mid-level) across a battlefield when, from behind, you hear "Execute Order 66." And they begin firing at you. Use the rules for Combined Fire (RCR pg. 161) and Defend yourself. Don't forget Battlemind (RCR pg. 077), Enhance Ability (STR) (RCR pg. 085), and Extend Force (Hero's Guide pg. 140).

Repeat with 5 Mid-level, 1 High-level Clone Troopers, if this Lesson seems too easy. If your Jedi is still standing, use two Fire-Teams of 6 Clone Troopers each for a full 12 Trooper Squad ambushing the Jedi.


  1. Zenji vs Clone Troopers

    Zenji looked carefully around the broken column. The Battle Droid's landing ship was just ahead. He signaled to the Team to move in.

    Zenji ignited his cerulean Lightsaber and drew upon the Force to increase his combat ability and to enhance his Strength.

    He Rolls for his Battlemind and gets 14 + 13 = 27 giving him a + 4 to his Attack Rolls. He decides to Extend Force giving him 20 Rounds using this power. And a Vitality cost of 12 bringing him down to 62 Vitality.

    Zenji takes 10 to his Roll to Enhance Ability to improve his Strength and gets 10 + 8 = 18 giving him a + 2 to STR. With Extend Force, he also gets this power for the next 20 Rounds. For a Vitality cost of 6, which brings his Vitality down to 56.

    The Jedi looked around at the Team he's fought with for several years. "Prepare to attack" he said to the Clone Troopers and looked around the column again. There was a sound of a hologram activating behind him. "Execute Order 66," he heard.

    He looked back and saw all of the Clones were pointing their blaster rifles at him.

    It was an ambush.

    It was betrayal.

    The Clone Troopers began to fire.

    (cue the sad music)

    No Surprise Round. They Roll Initiative. Jedi Zenji gets 18 + 2 (DEX) for 20. And the Clone Team gets 7 + 2 (DEX) from the Clone Lieutenant for a total of 9.

    As he doesn't know what Order 66 is, Zenji decides to Delay to react to the Clones actions.

    Clone-1 Fires at Zenji. Zenji declares he'll use Deflect (Defense) and Deflect (Attack). Clone-1 rolls twice: 12 + 7 = 19 and 11 + 2 = 13. Both miss Zenji.

    Zenji Deflects one into the ground and Redirects the other back to the Clone with 4 + 11 (Attack bonus) + 4 (Battlemind) - 4 (Redirect penalty) = 15 beating the Clone Trooper's Defense. With Damage Rolls of 3 + 6 + 5 = 14, which is 2 points more than his total Wound Points. Clone-1 is Dying (RCR pg. 159) and falls to the ground, unconscious with -2 Wound Points.

    Clone-2 Fires at Zenji. Zenji declares he'll just use Deflect (Defense) as he only gets 4 Deflect (Attack) rolls per Round. Clone-2 rolls twice: 18 + 7 = 25 and 16 + 2 = 18. One Misses but one Blaster Bolt hits for a 1 + 6 + 1 = 8 Vitality Point hit to Zenji, brining his VPs down to 48.

    Clone-3 Fires at Zenji, but gives a Synergy bonus of +1 to the Lieutenant, with Combined Fire.

    Clone-4 Fires at Zenji, but gives a Synergy bonus of +1 to the Lieutenant, with Combined Fire.

    Clone-5 Fires at Zenji, but gives a Synergy bonus of +1 to the Lieutenant, with Combined Fire.

    Clone-6 "Lieutenant" Fires at Zenji with a +3 to his Attack. Zenji declares he'll use Deflect (Defense) and Deflect (Attack). Clone-6 rolls once: 17 + 7 + 3 = 27, hitting Zenji for 7 + 3 + 4 = 14 Vitality Points, leaving Zenji with 34 VPs.

    "Clone Trooper 02, fall in behind and Combine Fire." the Lieutenant said.

    "Yes, Sir!" the Trooper responded.

    Zenji, taking his turn in the Round after Delaying, decides to use Burst of Speed (RCR pg. 106) to get out of there. He begins to run in the direction he thinks is safest at 10 times his normal speed putting him 100 meters (50 spaces) away from the Troopers. It cost 5 Vitality Points, leaving Zenji with 29 VPs.

    He's safe for now, in a small alcove. He has to rest for a Round to account for two Move Actions used when Deflecting and Redirecting Blaster Bolts last turn. His Battlemind and Enhance Ability can still be used for 18 more Rounds. He needs to contact the Jedi Temple and tell them what has happened with his Clones.

    But first, he needs to stay alive and find a way off world.


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