Jedi Knight Lessons - Lesson 1 D

Lesson 1 D
Retrieve Lightsaber:
RCR pg. 95 Move 5 kg Object
Another Force-user tries to hold your Lightsaber
- Master Luke Skywalker (RCR pg. 302) is training you and tells you, "Reach out with the Force and take your Lightsaber from me." Use the Force with an opposed Move Object check to take your Lightsaber.


  1. Luke rolls a 4 plus his Move Object and INT modifier equals 11.

    Zenji rolls an 11 plus his Move Object and INT modified equals 19.

    It looks as if the skill stats in the books don't include the Ability Modifier in the Stat Block. Zenji's stats are from the Character Generator which did include the Ability Modifiers with skills.


    The Lightsaber flies from Master Skywalker's hand to Zenji.

    Luke says, "Very good!. Next time you'll be practicing with the Training Remotes."


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