Jedi Knight Zenji Goro

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Below is a slightly different version of Zenji, with added information.

Zenji'ai Bee'Wanji'Koo Moo'so'kai "Starchild” Goro

Human Male Jedi Knight (Guardian 7)
Size: Medium, Height: 1.8 meters, Weight: 100 kg
Skin: Light, Eyes: Hazel, Hair: Dark Brown; Straight; Light Beard
Str 15 (+2), Dex 14 (+2), Con 18 (+4), Int 16 (+3), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 12 (+1)
Wound Points/Vitality Points: 18/74; Speed: 10 meters (5 spaces)
Saves: REF +7, FORT +9, WILL +5
Reputation: 2; Force Points: 7; Dark Side Points: 0

Init: +2 [DEX]

Defense: 16 = Flat-footed
                18 = 10 + 6 [base] +2 [DEX]
                21 = lightsaber activated, deflect (defense +1), +2 [lightsaber defense]

Touch Attack: +2/-3 [DEX]
Unarmed Attack: +9/+4 = 7 [base] +2 [STR]
Melee Attack: +9/+4 = 7 [base] +2 [STR]
Ranged Attack:+9/+4 = 7 [base] +2 [DEX]

         Attack: +11/+6 = 7 [base] +2 [STR] +1 [self-built] +1 [Weapon Focus]
         Damage 2d8 [base] +1d8 [Jedi level] +2 [STR], (crit 19-20)
         Zenji has built his own lightsaber with a blue kyber crystal blade
         deflect (attack -4), deflect (extend defense and attack) - within 2 meters
         energy, medium, exotic; weight 1 kg

Trained Skills: Astrogate +4, Balance +4, Climb +4, Computer Use +8, Craft (lightsaber) +11 (+5 to Appraise lightsabers), Disable Device +4, Intimidate +2, Jump +4, Knowledge (Jedi Lore) +12, Pilot +5, Repair +2, Tumble +4

Force Skills: Affect Mind +2, Battlemind +13, Empathy +2, Enhance Ability +8, Enhance Senses +2, Farseeing +3, Force Defense +2, Force Stealth +3 Force Strike +4, Friendship +2, Heal Another +2, Heal Self +3, Illusion +2, Move Object +8, See Force +4, Telepathy +4

Feats: Weapon Group Proficiency (Blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (Simple Weapons), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Quick Draw, Power Attack (minus from Atk, plus to Dam), Weapon Focus (+1 lightsaber Atk)

Force Feats: Force Sensitive (- Avoid Surprise), Burst of Speed, Lightsaber Defense

Force training: Control ( - Force Trance - Prolong Force), Sense ( - Sense Force - Sense Surroundings), Alter ( - Healing Trance)

Jedi Equipment: Jedi Robes and Cloak, Boots, Utility Belt, lightsaber attachment, food and energy capsules, large and small pouches, A99 Aquata Breather, Code Cylinder, SoroSuub Hush-98 Comlink with translator card, midi-chlorian count meter, Energy Cell, Glow Rod, Grappling Spike and Launcher, Liquid Cable Dispenser, Medpac, Tool Kit, homing beacon transceiver, electrobinoculars

Personal Belongings: Credit Chip, 1,537 Republic Daytaries, Republic ID, Datapad, SoroSuub Imagecaster personal holoprojector (holomap and database images), Recording Rod, R4-A7 Astromech Droid, Marksman-H Training Remote (#H672-K8-0 "Kato")

Zenji's Master was Master Ubo Nala'nek RCR pg.277

Languages:  - Speak and Read/Write Basic - Speak and Read/Write Bocce - Speak Nubian - Speak Thule

Light load: 33 kg. or less, Medium load: 34-67 kg., Heavy load: 68-100 kg.
Lift over head: 100 kg., Lift off ground: 200 kg., Push or drag: 500 kg.


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