Combat Tactics

 Force Techniques - Hero's Guide pg. 139
- x3 Empower Force – variable, numerical effects are increased by one-half
- x2 Enlarge Force – range is doubled
- x2 Extend Force – effects last twice as long
- x4 Maximize Force – variable, numerical effects are maximized
- x2 Split Force – one additional for the round; may be split multiple times

Jedi Combat Tactics
- If possible, only if before Surprise round and Initiative rolls, Enhance Senses
- If necessary, spend a Force Point
- Force Sensitive (- Avoid Surprise)
- Quick Draw
 - Heroic Surge (for an extra Action or Move)
- Battlemind + Extend Force
- Enhance Ability (STR) + Extend Force
- Farseeing (reroll option), if needed
- When necessary, Heal Self + Empower Force + Maximize Force

Lightsaber Tactics
- Slice Through Opponent (Hit Locations) - Galactic Campaign Guide pg.39
- Slice Through Objects and Doors - RCR pg. 166 -169
- Disarm an Opponent - RCR pg. 169

Other Jedi Tactics
- Move Object (additional uses) - Hero's Guide pg. 37
- Force Move an Opponent(s) - Move Object RCR pg.95 + Split Force
- Throw or Slide Object (s) (into Opponent or Other) - Move Object RCR pg.94 + Split Force
- Crush Opponent or Object - Force Grip RCR pg.87, or Force Strike RCR pg. 88

Retrieve Lightsaber:
- As a move action, a Jedi can retrieve their Lightsaber with a successful Move
Object check (DC 10), provided the Lightsaber is no more than 10 meters (5 spaces) away. Cost: 1 Vitality Point.

Throw Lightsaber:
- This attack action takes a –4 penalty, but deals its normal damage and has a
range of 4 meters (2 spaces). After the Lightsaber hits, it shuts off and falls to
the ground. If it misses, it shuts off before hitting the ground.


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