Jedi Missions And Activities

1.) Help Republic Citizens In Need
2.) Keep The Peace And Enforce Republic Law
3.) Advise And Assist Local Or Planetary Security Forces
4.) Protect Or Rescue lmportant Dignitaries
5.) Apprehend And Detain Republic Fugitives
6.) Suppress Insurrection In The Republic
7.) Obstruct Space Piracy Between Worlds
8.) Deter And Hinder Spice Smuggling
9.) Prohibit And Extinguish Slavery
10.) Defend Republic Borders And Repel Invaders - Outer Rim Patrol
11.) Mediate Interstellar Negotiations And Disputes
12.) Safeguard Important Republic Locations or Property
13.) Ascertain And Verify Official (including Jedi) Misconduct
14.) Capture Or Destroy Dark Side Personages
15.) Evaluate And Investigate Disturbances In The Force
16.) Recover Artifacts and Relics Related To The Force
17.) Gather Evidence Of Criminal Activity
18.) Document And Report Hazards, Dangers, and Threats
19.) Travel To Distant Worlds Across The Galaxy
20.) Standby On Crisis Reserve or Serve as Temple Guard

In addition, Jedi Masters

21.) Train Younglings at the Jedi Temple
22.) Take on a Padawan learner
23.) Report to the Republic Senate and Chancellor
24.) Administrate the Order on the Jedi Council

        Become one with the Force


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